When the film starts it has an extreme close up of the Nazi salute and then an old film of Hitler in a mid long shot. This immediately tells the audience that the film is based during Hitlers power and in most peoples eyes the second world war. There is also many effective panoramic shots one of which was of a truck going passed with a flag which has a skull and crossbones on showing us the roles of the SS and what they did. The others all help to demonstrate the situation that the Jews were in when the Nazi's found them. The pictures at the start that have been put into black and white have all been done by hand held as it seems more like the footage was taken a long time ago. The director probably did this because he wanted the audience to feel like this footage was real footage of the holocaust. The film then starts to stabilise when it turns to colour and gives us a Mid long shot of someone recording the events that occur within this certain village.
After this short clip it turns back to hand held filming as it shows the Nazis to be roughly handling the Jews and shoving them into trucks. The hand held gives us more of an idea of how brutal they were to the Jews. However when it focuses on the Nazi leader it is calm and Zooms into him showing how calm and in control he is.
Finally at the end of the intro we notice that it has calmed down as the camera isn't moving as much and it has more still shots and the mid long shot of the two characters in the woods hiding from the Nazis.
We also see that the Nazis have been able to capture many Jews and are taking them away to the ghettos that they have to live in due to the Nazi regime. The director effectively by giving an extreme long shot of people walking away from the village under the watchful eye of the Nazis.
shawshank redemption
The Shawshank redemption starts off very differently to defiance as it is much calmer. It starts with Andy being in court with a close up shot of his face and also the same with the lawyer.This makes it very slow for the audience and easy to understand. This also makes us as the audience focus on the lawyer and also on andy so we can get the full understanding of their feelings and the atmosphere in the room.
The scene then jumps to when Andy Dufrane is in his car and when the judge and lawyer believes he had murdered his wife and the golfer. We can see it is an obvious change of scene to this particular time as there is an extreme close up of a gun and the lighting is very different in this scene.

There are many close ups in this part as it shows the change in character of Andy and how he is less alert and drunk the close ups enable us to see the differences in his face. this scene tells us that Andy may have been responsible for the murder of his wife.
Also at the end of the opening sequence the zooming out on the judge and the very slight low angle and the zooming out show us that the judge is the person in control of the situation. This also has the opposite effect on Andy when the camera zooms in onto him with a slight higher angle making him look smaller and also seem innocent from the very start. The zooming in also shows us that what is about to be said is suddenly dawning on him and this can also be seen from the way he slowly looks up.
This is a much slower start than 'Defiance' as is a lot slower start this is because there is a lot less action and therefor there is no hand held filming in this scene and it also is made slower by the fact that there is much slower music.
Pulp fiction
The first scene in this film is more similar to the Shawshank redemption in its tempo at the start. The film starts with a mid long shot of both the characters sitting at a diner having a convocation which we as an audience we don't yet understand. this effectively shows us at the start that this is just in a usual diner and that two people are having at the start what we feel is a normal convocation.
The scene then progresses into a close up shot of the mans face as he talks about the people that he robs. This shows us his facial expression more clearly and helps us to see the malice in his face and at this stage we as the audience know what he does for a living and having such a close up shot of him makes us feel uncomfortable. However it also makes us feel uncomfortable at how normal these people can be in the first place. The director has purposely done this to make it relatable to us

Finally the scene moves to a mid long shot at a low angle showing the audience that they look powerful and big. This also shows us the situation that the diners are in and how they are not in control.
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