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treatment feedback

today in class my group and I pitched our idea to the head of production. he mentioned several factors that we all agreed on as a group would be a good development for the group and that would help to improve out idea.

The biggest change that he bought to our idea was that the piece he thought was too linear. He thought that we didn’t need to boy in the park and with the troubles at home and instead we could just focus on the ice cream van. He said that he liked the idea a lot of the ice cream van and said we can play around with this idea a lot and there is so much that we can add to this hallucinogenic kind of video. I thought this was a good idea as it would have been difficult to have fit all of the different sets in one day. He also wondered how we would get the transitions of each of our three sets which made us also think that it could be better to do the whole idea as it could be strange just cutting between the two completely different locations. This was also helped by the fact that he pointed out that all of the stuff about the boy is all just a lead up to the van and he said we should just go straight to the van and the studio. From here we have now been able to think of several ideas about the new concepts and what we will be able to do with this.

He also recommended that we should add a flowing relaxed contemporary kind of dance that went with the hallucinogenic feel of the music video. This we all agreed as a group would be good kind of dance to add to the video. There was also an idea that we could try and add a collide scope to help the effect that we are trying to create in this video.

He also noticed that our song was a little bit too long at around 3:51. Though we decided it could easily be cut down by a fair amount as the end of the song there is a large amount of just instrumental music that we will be able to cut out at the end. There is around 40 seconds of this at the end so we were thinking we would be able to cut it down to from 3:51 to around 3:20 seconds and gradually fade the music out.

He also recommended and ending that we come out of all of the transitions that we had done in the past quickly and just come back to the ice cream man handing you the ice cream. I think this a good idea but don’t think that he should be handing them the ice cream but instead just have him looking out the van in the distance.

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