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what is a focus group

the definition of a focus group is "a group of people assembled to participate in a discussion about a product before it is launched, or to provide feedback on a political campaign, television series, etc." In this case we will be using the focus group to look at the three elements of our music campaign. We will be presenting all of our three elements to a group of people in the year below us. 

The point of the focus group is so that we are able to distinguish where the weak points in our campaign there are and in what areas they don't link together. We thought that this would be a good point to test out our products as at this time we have a lot to show and have an almost complete product. This is also a good time as if there is something that they feel need changing and something that could be improved we would have time to do so before the deadline. 

This is a great way for us to get feedback for out digipacks as it is able to get the opinion of a lot of people. this would also mean that even if one person is able to find something small that is a problem we will be able to change it as if we only presented it to one person they may not pick up of it. 

We decided that there we two ways in which we would be able to record all of the advice that we were able to get. Firstly we thought that if we were to record their voices and then put that up on the blog this would be a good way or record them in some other way such as a video. The other method that we thought could be usfull would just to be note it down on the computer and put it directly onto the blog from there. 

There are several things that we want to find out as a group and also individually. As a group we wanted to make sure that all our individual parts of the digipack were linked in some kind of way and that they all went with the genre of psychedelic rock and this was clearly visable in all. However for me being the creater of the website I wanted to find out about the presentation of the website and to see if it was appealing to them. I also wanted to find out about how easy it was for them to use the website and to see if they would be able to operate it easily and be easy to access and finally to see if all the points that were on the website were relevent. 

We all thought that it might have been a good idea to start with the album artwork and the website first as we wouldn't want to give away the genre too early on at the start so that we would be able to get the opinion of what they thought the genre was. We also wanted to do this so that they would be able to see the clear link between the websites the digipacks and so that they were able to link the the music video. 

There were also several things that we were advised not to do on our focus group. One of the main things was not to ask about if they liked the video and what could they change in the way it was filmed as it was too late to change now and that we wont be able to shoot again. Another thing that we would't want to do is to argue with the people in the focus group so that if they say something wrong we would instead ask them what we could do instead.

Finally there were a few steps that we needed to go through in order to make sure that our focus group was ready. First of all we all prepared some questions about the certain areas that we had been making so for me I made ten questions about the website and how it could improve. We also wanted to make sure that we had all the parts of our presentation for the focus group ready. For me it was reletively simple. I needed to just put the website up onto the bigger screen however for the other two they needed to get a copy of the work they had done outside of class as well and bring it to the class in preperation for the focus group. 

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