There are two albums that I think are similar to our song that we will be able to relate to. These are those from Roy Pablo. I think that they are similar in thier album artwork as they have on the majority of their albums strange photos of themselves such as in the album of chamber of reflection.

There album artwork is slimilar in the way that there is strange fonts and the artwork is all very simplistic for the artist.
Another similar artist in thier album artwork would be Foxygen. Here their music is of the same genre and for Mac's most recent album he has created a strange image that doesn't have him at the cover and has a stange pattern on it. This is very similar to those that are made by Foxygen which are often made in similar ways. The one I feel is most simliar to mac's most recent album "These old tracks" would be their album "Foxygen 'hang'". In both of these albums they have used the genre conventions of psychedelic rock in the patterns that they create and the strange photos of the artists themselves.
They have also been able to create the star image that they are hoping for. They have done this by firstly in the first Album that I have looked at they have given a photo of the artist however they have also made it strange and different making the artists present but unique. They have also been able to attract their target audience through this in both of the albums with the strange colours and patterns and also strange photos that may attract their audience to psychedelic rock.

I noticed that in all of these that the writing was often very casual and sometime hand written and casual. There is also a very amature kind of photo that is used that is either edited into a strange way or just kept as it is. This is much more specific in Mac Demarco's albums.
My rest of my group has also been doing some research into what other album artwork is similar.
Guy was looking at the two artists of pond and homeshake. These both also have simlar patterns and simlar fonts that there are in the two that I have looked at and that are similar to Mac Demarco's.

As seen with the front and back covers of these album artworks we can clearly see that there is similar handwriting and and pattern on the front and drawings rather than a photo however there is also a photo on the back ot Ponds album. however it is not an in detail photo and very casual.
This is the post that sean was working on. He did the same album as me with Roy Pablo and also did a Foxygen however he also did a different album.
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